PROSPER in Wayne County

Wayne Highlands

Wayne Highlands is a third-class school district in Wayne County, Pennsylvania. The school district enrollment: 2,983 students in 2012 (estimated to be 2,538 students in 2020). The mission of the Wayne Highlands School District is to promote a school-community alliance dedicated to an educational process that is dynamic, flexible, and safe, where all students will become successful lifelong learners who develop respect for themselves and their society. The Wayne Highlands School District brought the PROSPER model to their district in 2019 with two evidence-based prevention programs including the Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Youth 10-14, offered in the evening for 5th & 6th graders and their parents and caregivers, and LifeSkills Training, taught during the school day by trained specialists.
Wayne highlands scaled
In this picture, families proudly share their family tree posters at the Wayne Highlands Middle School during the Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Youth 10-14
Family eating dinner

Supporting Families

The Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Youth 10-14 starts this fall 2021. The program includes FREE dinner, attendance prizes, and childcare.
Middle school kids giving thumbs up

Supporting Kids

LifeSkills Training (15-lesson curriculum) is taught in 6th grade by trained staff from the Wayne County Drug and Alcohol Commission. Students work on developing resistance to peer pressure, positive self-image, & decision-making, problem-solving, and communication skills.
Group of teens studying

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Considering and Catching Up on Cannabis Science: Opportunities and Implications for Prevention

With increasing potency/concentration of cannabis being seen in states with legal non-medical or medical cannabis, there has also been emerging research on the effects of these high potency products. In… Read More »