Latest Past Events

Webinar: Understanding the Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Development, Learning, and Relationships


Please join us for a webinar on "Understanding the Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Development, Learning, and Relationships." This program emphasizes the necessity of understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and how they affect individuals and communities. Adverse Childhood Experiences Coordinator for the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, Keith Cartwright, will share […]

Promoting Youth Resilience and Mental Health (2022 PROSPER Statewide Event)


Join us via Zoom on June 16 from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. as we hear from experts discussing the current topics of youth mental health and the Thrive Parenting Initiative: Youth Mental Wellness: presented by Denise Continenza and Matt Crutchman, Penn State Extension Learn strategies for building resilience in youth during challenging times. Recognize and […]

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day Events In Fayette County

Anonymously and safely drop off your unused or expired medications at one of the Fayette County Take Back Events on National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, Saturday, April 30th between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM. An example of a newer style of medication drop box. The Take Back events will be held at the following […]